Space Medicine
Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Bill Morgan the LEI laboratory
Seminar at the Harry Perkins Institute
Changes in brain fluid pressure in astronauts can adversely impair their vision while in space. This research group, headed by Professor William Morgan, uses pulse wave properties of the eye’s blood vessels to estimate pressures in the brain fluid.

Vision in Space

The Space Physiology and Life Sciences team have been studying the relationship between brain fluid pressure, also known as intracranial pressure (ICP) and the eye for some 20 years. Recently, with collaborations with neurology and neurosurgery, they have found that the pulse waves that travel along the blood vessels at the back of the eye are produced by and travel from the brain fluid.

This discovery allows them to use sophisticated mathematical and imaging techniques to measure these pulse waves and infer the ICP. Until now, ICP could only be measured by drilling a hole through the skull and into the brain or passing a needle into the lower back, both of which are quite invasive, prone to some risks and tend to be rarely performed.

ICP is known to rise to unsafe and vision altering levels in astronauts who are in space for more than six months. However, ICP is known to also play an adverse role in head injury recovery, brain tumours, optic nerve swelling and glaucoma.

The team are currently refining this technique to make it useful in hospitals and clinics as well as potentially in space. The need for a small size and fast analytical speed in space should accelerate its development as an important health tool on earth.

In space, we anticipate that this breakthrough will allow regular monitoring of astronaut ICP and allow testing of treatments to reduce or eliminate dangerous elevations in ICP. In parallel, we are working on techniques that should favourably alter orbital and ICP that can be applied in space.

The Space Physiology and Life Sciences Node can be found at the Lion's Eye Institute.
Node Leader

Professor Bill Morgan
bill.morgan [at]
Lions Eye Institute
2 Verdun Street
Nedlands WA 6009

Professor Bill Morgan

Lead: Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Dr Barry Doyle

Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Associate Professor Ferdous Sohel

Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Professor Danny Green

Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Harrison Caddy

Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Dr Andrew Menhert

Physiology and Life Sciences

Dr Howard Carter

Physiology and Life Sciences

Professor Shane Maloney

Physiology and Life Sciences

