Our People Research Committee

Dr Saif Al Ghafri

Powering Spacecraft (Propulsion and Cryogenics)

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Professor Simon Driver

Astronomy from Space

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Prof. Thomas Braunl

IT in Space (Automation and Robotics)

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Professor David Coward

Space Situational Awareness

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Professor Arcady Dyskin

Civil Engineering in Space

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Professor Lorenzo Faraone

Satellite Remote Sensing (Avionics)

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Professor Marco Fiorentini

Space Resources and Materials

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Harvey Millar

Plants for Space
School of Molecular Sciences, UWA

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Bill Morgan

Space Physiology and Medicine

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Associate Professor Lies Notebaert

Living and Working in Space

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Professor Danail Obreschkow

Experiments in Variable Gravity (Microgravity)

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Professor Conleth O'Loughlin

Experiments in Variable Gravity (Hypergravity)

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Professor Elena Pasternak

Civil Engineering in Space

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Professor Charitha Pattiaratchi

Satellite Remote Sensing

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Associate Professor Sascha Schediwy

Laser Communications and Timing (ICRAR)

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Linqing Wen

Astronomy from Space (Gravitational Wave Astronomy)

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Professor Andreas Wicenec

IT in Space (Data Intensive Astronomy)

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Professor Dongke Zhang

Powering Spacecraft (Space Energy)

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