Space Materials and Resources
Chemicals for Space


Unlike Earth, space, the Moon, and Mars lack fossil fuel resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. While solar panels can power space stations and habitats, there are currently no solutions for supplying fuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, and daily consumables in these environments. This node aims to address this critical challenge by leveraging astrochemistry and astrochemical engineering, with a focus on astrocatalysis, to develop innovative strategies that ensure the sustainability of human life beyond our blue planet.

From gases to gases

Gas conversion processes play a crucial role in sustaining life support systems, particularly in the context of space exploration. Oxygen (O2) generation is of paramount importance for space stations and future space habitats, as it is essential for human survival. To address this critical need, cutting-edge catalytic technologies are being developed to efficiently produce scalable quantities of oxygen from abundant resources such as water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

In addition to oxygen production, other vital gas conversion processes include ammonia (NH3) synthesis and decomposition, methane (CH4) cracking, and methane dry reforming. These reactions are key to generating valuable products and managing waste gases in space environments. To optimise these processes for space applications, innovative catalyst materials, reactors, and reaction pathways are being engineered, considering the unique challenges and constraints of space missions. Solar energy will be the primary driving force, either converted into electricity for electrochemical reactions or directly utilised for photocatalytic, photothermal catalytic, or photoelectrochemical processes.

By integrating cutting-edge catalytic technologies with efficient solar energy utilisation, researchers aim to develop sustainable and self-sufficient gas conversion systems for space applications, supporting immediate needs and contributing to the long-term goal of establishing self-sustaining habitats beyond Earth.

The Chemicals for Space Team  Team can be found at the UWA School of Molecular Sciences.
Node Leader

Professor Honqi Sun
honqi.sun [at]
School of Molecular Sciences
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley 6009 WA

From gases to chemicals

A comprehensive roadmap is proposed to harness solar energy for driving a wide range of chemical reactions, enabling the conversion of abundant gas molecules like nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) into valuable fuels, chemicals, and materials. Central to this strategy is the development of novel solar-driven dry reforming processes to convert CO2 and CH4 into synthesis gas (syngas), a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). The generated hydrogen can subsequently react with nitrogen via the Haber-Bosch process to produce ammonia (NH3), which serves as a precursor for urea synthesis.

Furthermore, the obtained syngas can be catalytically transformed into methanol (CH3OH), a versatile platform chemical. Methanol can undergo further catalytic conversions to yield essential chemical building blocks. Realising these complex chemical transformations necessitates highly innovative research efforts focused on the rational design of advanced catalyst materials, the development of novel reactor configurations, and the precise control of reaction parameters under the unique conditions encountered in space or on other planets. Key research topics will include enhancing solar energy utilisation efficiency, optimising conversion rates and product selectivity, ensuring catalyst stability under harsh conditions, and addressing scalability issues to enable industrial-scale production. By leveraging cutting-edge scientific advancements in materials science, catalysis, and process engineering, this ambitious roadmap aims to establish a sustainable chemical industry powered by the abundant energy of the sun, opening up new opportunities for resource utilisation and manufacturing in space exploration and extraterrestrial colonisation efforts.

From dusts and rocks to advanced catalysts

Western Australia (WA) boasts a wealth of mineral resources, making it an ideal location for research into rocks and minerals that are analogous to those found on the Moon and Mars. Current research efforts focus on designing innovative synthesis routes for novel advance catalysts, utilising minerals and elements that are abundant in space. These catalysts will be optimised to perform specific catalytic reactions under the unique conditions encountered in extraterrestrial environments. The challenges posed by the lack of water, solvents, and complex instrumentation in space will be addressed through the development of specialised synthesis methods and catalyst designs. By leveraging the geological similarities between WA and celestial bodies, researchers aim to create catalytic solutions that can function efficiently in the resource-limited conditions of space exploration.

Professor Honqi Sun

Lead: Chemicals for Space

Professor Paul Low

Chemicals for Space

Professor George Koutsantonis

Chemicals for Space

Professor Rob Atkin

Chemicals for Space

Dr. Abdul Hannan Asif

Chemicals for Space

Dr. Xinyuan Xu

Chemicals for Space

Mr. Wenhao Zhao

Chemicals for Space