Satellite Remote Sensing
Hyperspectral Imaging, Infrared Sensing and Avionics

MBE Growth

The hyperspectral infra-red sensor research team, led by Professor Lorenzo Faraone, is developing world-leading electro-optic sensors, imaging devices, and electronic systems for space-based earth observation and space situational awareness.

They  focus on:

  • Material production for infra-red sensors and imaging arrays (molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of device-grade HgCdTe);
  • Tuneable filters for IR spectroscopic sensing (MEMS-based);
  • Design and fabrication of IR imaging arrays up to 640×512 pixels;
  • Modelling of atmospheric effects on optical propagation;

They are also active developers of cutting-edge quantum sensing technologies, working in collaboration with UWA Professor Michael Tobar of the Quantum Technologies and Dark Matter Research Lab.

The Avionics (Hyperspectral and Infrared Sensing) Team can be found at the UWA School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering.
Node Leader

Professor Lorenzo Faraone
lorenzo.faraone [at]
School of Physics, Maths and Computing
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley 6009 WA

Professor Lorenzo Farano

Lead: Satellite Remote Sensing > Avionics

A/Prof. Dilusha Silva

Satellite Remote Sensing > Avionics