Space Capabilities at UWA

Laser Communications and Timing

Using free-space laser communication to revolutionise a wide variety of applications

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Space Situational Awareness

The Observatory is home to the 1.0 metre f/4 fast-slew Zadko Telescope, the only metre-class research grade optical facility at this southern latitude.

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Astronomy from Space

Using space-based facilities to bypass fundamental limitations set by the Earth’s size and atmosphere.

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Satellite Remote Sensing

The hyperspectral infra-red sensor research team develops world-leading electro-optic sensors, imaging devices, and electronic systems for space-based earth observation and SSA.

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Experiments in Variable Gravity

Our microgravity research programme regularly partners with the European Space Agency to conduct experiments aboard the Air-Zero G, the world’s largest suborbital microgravity facility.

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Plants in Space

Fully understanding plant metabolism and gas exchange and how these change in response to environmental conditions will be critical to understand what plants can do for us in deep space, as well as how they need to be modified to grow well in space environments.

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Space Physiology and Life Sciences

Our research group, headed by the Lion’s Eye Institute Director Professor William Morgan, uses pulse wave properties of the eye’s blood vessels to estimate pressures in the brain fluid.

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IT and Automation in Space

Our robotics and automation lab, led by Professor Thomas Bräunl, has designed and built over 100 robots over the last two decades, and have built small mobile robots to full size cars and buses, and robots.

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Living and Working in Space

Our researchers study various facets of the ‘human element’ in space, including space governance and law, communication, psychology, teamwork and emotions of space crew, as well as space-related arts.

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Powering Spacecraft

Our research team focusses on studying the ignition, combustion and explosion characteristics of propellants used in rocket engines under different environmental conditions

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Space Materials and Resources

We have wide-ranging expertise related to characterising and resourcing materials from and in space, as well as in understanding the connection between space materials and life on Earth.

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Civil and Extraterrestrial Engineering

Our research aims to develop new methods of mortarless construction and mining extraction that are suitable for the low gravity and harsh environment found on extraterrestrial bodies.

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