Experiments in Variable Gravity

The team in hypergravity are a central component of the National Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility (NGCF), hosted at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems at UWA and directed by Professor Conleth O’Loughlin. The NGCF is the largest geotechnical centrifuge facility in the world, and the only such facility in Australia. The NGCF centrifuges are mainly used to simulate the response of engineering systems at or within the seabed, but are also used in other scientific disciplines where enhanced gravity is required.

The NGCF hosts three large centrifuges: a 1.2m drum centrifuge, as well as 3.6m and 10m diameter beam centrifuges, for hypergravity experiments up to 350g.

ISC Tour

Professor Conleth O'Loughlin

Lead: Experiments in Variable Gravity > Hypergravity